Buttercup Walkers raise over £40,000 for the RNOH

Buttercup Walkers raise over £40,000 for the RNOH

Posted by Rebekah Ahmed on 28 June 2016

The sun shone for this year’s Buttercup Walk as hundreds of supporters turned out to take part in the one-mile sponsored walk through the hospital grounds, raising over £40,000 for the RNOH! Even though it looked stormy as our Walk Hero, Maria Mirto, cut the ribbon to start the walk, the sun shone through and all of the patients, staff, families (and family dogs!), were able to make the most of all the stalls, rides, and attractions.

Our Buttercup Walk Hero Maria led the way in her bright yellow sash showing everyone how far she’s come since being treated at the RNOH for a bone tumour just a few short years ago. Since then, Maria’s taken on the Brighton marathon twice as well as the Brighton half marathon and hopes to take part the marathon again next year for the RNOH. Also showing how far she’s come since being treated here was RNOH poster girl Caitlin Kydd who you may have seen on buses and in tube stations last summer. Caitlin, dubbed the ‘titanium girl’ by friends and family, walked every step of the way in a record 18 minutes! It was wonderful to see all our patients, past and present, taking on the challenge of the walk and we hope to see them all again next year! Other attractions included a very popular gladiator joust, live music, balloon creations, a crossbow stall and a performance from the local Stagecoach troupe.


Peter Calder, Chairman of The Buttercup Walk said: “We’d like to thank everyone who came along to the day to make it a success and show their support for the hospital and the charity. It was wonderful to have Maria there as our Buttercup Walk Hero and I know that all of the money raised from this year’s event is going to make a real difference to the patients we treat. As always, it was particularly lovely to see lots of my patients and their families again, thank you all so much for coming. Thanks must also go to the fundraising and development team who have worked so hard to make the day a success and I’m looking forward to next year already.”